1. Helmets are required. They must also be properly adjusted and fit. I’m happy to help anyone with helmet adjustments as needed. Head injuries are serious and I treat them as such.
2. NO riding in aerobars when directly behind someone. If you wish to ride in pacelines or tight packs please don’t ride in your aerobars behind someone. That is extremely dangerous and we don’t want anyone going to the hospital. If you wish to use your aerobars behind some please drop back to safe distance.
3. It will most likely be hot! Bring your fluids and make sure that you’re drinking enough while out there. There are two places that you can additionally stop if you need fluids during the loop. We will discuss those during the briefing so it would be wise to bring a little cash just in case.
4. All ride leaders will have my contact information. You will be introduced to them before we begin. If you have an issue ask them for help. If it can’t be remedied out on course they can call me. I will be riding the first loop but there are options to cut through and get to my vehicle if needed.